About Us

Our main activity is the production of all types of food additives (with or without spices and flavouring components) for manufacturing food for customised, individual recipes and for product packaging.
We do not only deliver costumized additives but assist with an application consultancy. Our particular focus in the food industry is on meat products in its diversity. We deliver our products and the consulting for its application worldwide.
We take charge of the complete product development and plan and supervise the practical implementation of the requisite technology into the industrial process.
Enterprises of all size benefitfrom our expert capabilities and longterm experience as a supplement to their in-house specialists.
Our company philosophy is straightforward:
ldentify customer’s needs, find practical and economical solutions as quickly as possible and deliver all of the necessary components to ensure the customer’s lasting success.
We do not produce standard products but work exclusive with customer-specific / idividual recipes.

Our service

Depending on our costumer’s requirements, we assist with every phase of the food product development cycle of food :
- Formulas and processing instructions
- Raw material selection and controlling
- Ingredients, additives and accessory
- Technical equipment (planning and function)
- Product specification and list of ingredients for your labels
Our product portfolio includes:
- Brine additives
- cutter additives
- Vitamin mixes and additives
- Special preservative systems
- Spices mixes of all kind
- Marinades(wet and dry)
- Ingredients for ice-cream manifacturing
- Binders
- Compounds to improve sliceability
We are also happy to assist you with:
- Pricing and cost control
- HACCP concepts
- Quality Management
- certification consulting
- chemical analyses
- Hygiene concepts
NIR Quick Food Analyser

MyLab functions
The acutal method (without having a mylab) is to send the samples of your products to a lab. The results take 8 to 10 days.
Those information usually comes too late for you. You often have to make a decision before the lab analytic has arrived. This could sometimes be a great risk.
mylab delivers the figures you need within minutes for:
- Incoming raw materials
– making sure they are as you have ordered them - Batches during production process
= standardisation - Control of the finished products before depatch

Was kann mylab?
- BIG 7 = Brennwerte in KJ/kcal nach LMIV; Fett, davon gesättigte
Fettsäuren; Kohlenhydrate, davon Zucker; Eiweiß, Salz. - pH-Wert
- aW-Wert
- Aschegehalt
- BEFFE (bindegewebsfreies Eiweiß)
- Wasser : Eiweiß Verhältnis
- Trockenmasse
- Fremdwasser (nach Eingabe der Federzahl)
- Festlegung von gewünschten Minimal- und Maximalwerten
- ▷ In Vorbereitung: Tendenz der Gesamtkeimzahlentwicklung während des MHD
MyLab parameters
- The analyser works with the NIR technology, e.g. for meat products
- Adjustments for other food products are possible. It only needs a special calibration
- High precision in the results
- Analytic results in a few seconds
- Can be used as well for liquid products
MyLab advantages
- Extremely fast results
- Easy handling, 1-click software
- Touch-screen
- Data administration with Excel®
- Reamortisation in a short period
- Reduces your lab costs dramatically
- Option: integration in your network
Our Partners

Industrieberatung: Lebensmitteladditive und Maschinen


We will be happy to advice you.
Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Lebensmittel Additive
Produktions- & Consulting GmbH
Wietholz 20
58708 Menden
Tel.: +49 2373 96096
Fax.: +49 2373 960970